Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

ARTI : update 20111207 - lets learn d.o.j.i

remember ARTI?
pastinya :P, soalnya posting di sini belum banyak gan  ....

saat ARTI naik ke High 315 di Dec 5, 2011 
i was wrote: 
' masih ada peluang tutup Gap di 265-270 jika golden cross MA5 dan MA20 g ketemu, ada peluang tu(ru)n dulu ke MA20 = 245, atau mungkin turun lagi ke 215'


ARTI membuat doji di 260, dan sempet turun ke 245 ...
biasanya doji mengindikasikan pembalikan arah, but not now for sure :), masih menunggu confirm besok  (find doji great explanation here ; http://www.onlinetradingconcepts.com/TechnicalAnalysis/Candlesticks/Doji.html)
  • The Doji is a powerful Candlestick formation, signifying indecision between bulls and bears
  • A Doji is quite often found at the bottom and top of trends and thus is considered as a sign of possible reversal of price direction, 
  • but the Doji can be viewed as a continuation pattern as well.
Let's check whether we have doji in ARTI chart :

Dalam periode Jun - Okt 2011, terlihat beberapa candle doji terbentuk, but as you can see these dojis mean nothing but continuation pattern :)

so, is there a doji with possible reversal pattern in ARTI?
doji as reversal pattern di ARTI tidak terlalu keliatan ...., silahkan koreksi gan ...

tanggal 29 Jun 2011, long doji terbentuk, dan terjadi reversal pattern

signifying indecision between bulls and bears, baru bisa dikonfirmasi dengan pattern hari selanjutnya ...

terus, apa arti doji di ARTI tanggal 7 Des 2011?

signifying indecision between bulls and bears :D, we'll see tomorrow!
my personal opinion, ARTI will go down first, unless magnificently break 315 fractal tomorrow

enjoy the learn, enjoy the ride, 205 is the support ....

sebenernya ada 'significant' pattern reversal untuk doji, you can read here:
later lah kita bahas lagi ya ...

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