Minggu, 18 Maret 2012

TLKM, my son asking me an iPhone4S

impossible for me to buy him an iPhone4S, sorry son :D, since i know you just kidding too about this thing

but the cuan is quite tempting for your school fee ...

lets check the FA
ROE dan ROI yang cukup menarik, walaupun kenaikan revenue mulai saturated

recommendation is  (y)! even Bloomberg has better consensus of TLKM, B/H/S = 18:8:1 :D

now lets check the TA 
  • Beli di 6750 (strong support area), kalau bisa antri sampai ke 6600, but siap2 cut loss kalau turun di bawah itu 
  • Siap-siap jualan di resistance kuat di harga 7800 / 7900
  • rasio Risk / Gain = 0.14 --> kurang dari 30%, this stock is worthed!
  • possibility gain minimal 7850 / 6750 = 16.3%
  • kapan? rada susah jawabnya :D, LK 2010 audited TLKM keluar tanggal 29 Maret 2011, lets wait till the next 1 month, siapa tahu LK jadi trigger 16.3% ini 
happy cuan!

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